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"The infamous question!"
What does S.T.S. stand for?
I have been asked so many times. The initals are the first letter of the the spelled out numbers.

A Little Bit Of History.
The productions was founded in year 2001 by William Taylor. While in Colorado, Taylor was working on a personal tracks for a hobbie.Just drinking and smoking and having fun. The hobbie turned into late night recording sessions. After working indepently, many local artists joined Taylor in a small complilation called "THE GATHERING".
Josh Williams (One-i) on a vaction to visit his cousin (Taylor) in Colorado, and jumped into the mix.
This is where CEO and CO-producer Lil One-i Carteon
found his obsession and the vacation turned into a solid week (day and night) of recording.
The production was no longer a dream it was a goal.

WE as ONE are MADE up of...
Taylor (artist/producer)
One-i (artist/producer)
Thug (artist)
Bucky Pachino (producer)
Diamond (artist)
Flex (artist/producer)

For Booking

"Till The fucking World Blows"